Restaurant: Curry and Ketchup¶

On my way home I got dragged by my sleeve into a sidearm of the main-street and into a place called Curry & Ketchup.
There are a lot of posh and expensive places around Majorstua. Literally everything give you the impression you need at least to leave your pair of trousers at the entrance when you want to leave after dinner. C&K is a nice, Indian, alternative place to be and to eat.
It’s right beside an Asian restaurant (which I haven’t checked out), you can choose at the last moment and make up your mind if you like.
The interior reminds you charmingly of other small and not so fancy places around the city center or Grynerløkka. As soon as you go down to the basement, it’s getting even more cozy. It’s either rice or coffee-sacks being stacked all over the place and separating the tables from each other.
The food is coming quickly, reasonably priced and you’re really not getting stressed down there. There’s no clock either - what makes you forgetting about time as well.
A good place to take friends to once in a while.
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