
Nowadays, buying a sofa isn’t so easy any more. In the old days, you could just steam of, enter the next furniture dealer and throw yourself onto the next sofa. If you survived the landing - the sofa was good enough. If you broke your back; well, than on to the next one.
My first own sofa I bought from the Swedish. As far as I can remember that was probably the only furniture I ever bought there that survived more than one moving. They usually were already broken when assembled.
That specific sofa had a metal frame and could be converted into a two person bed. I slept on it for about two to three years. Half way through I bought a second one of the same type since the first one was still perfectly working. Even after folding it twice a day.
That was a good time, an active time.
It wasn’t accepted later one when my life situation changed, though. So I had to get rid of them. Until now everything was fine, but the journey now had to start over again.
In total I’ve done three trips. Two very close to the fringe of almost buying one I’d be unhappy with because the perfect one wasn’t there. Leather or cloth? Cornered or not? With chaise or without? What happened to buying a simple sofa?
In the end it went as it always goes when I’m patient enough. Perfect sofa, half the price because it’s an exhibit, can’t be delivered before actually needed - no further questions to ask, Watson.
Let’s just hope the pillows are included as well.