The Bear that wasn’t/And so it’s morning dew¶

This one will be harder for you guys to get. And on just more than one level.
I got mail - but let me begin where it started: There’s this Belgian band called The Bear that wasn’t which I first found when I was looking for Boy and Bear last year. Wished I could remember which song it actually was to make me looking for it. It’s just a memory in my head and a note I’ve taken when I was listening that let me remember them.
When I tried to find the Album And so it’s morning dew, it wasn’t available (MP3 sales don’t count in my world). So I wrote to the manager who forwarded me to one of the band members and we made a deal: I send him money and he’ll send me the album. Worked like a charm I have to say. Though I had to put more effort in this CD to get it, it’s totally worth it.
I’m quite happy that I got that CD. The bear that wasn’t is not only similar by the name to Boy and Bear, but also with the music. But quite different. On their myspace site you’ll find four songs, but they just poorly reflect the album at whole. You’ll just get a glance of the variety of the music. It’s a pity that they currently neither tour nor seem to sell their CD through any channel. It’s a real pity. I’m really getting hooked to their music.
Their band name seems to come from a 1967 comic (which you’ll find on their website as well). It’s a funny little story, maybe a bit to advanced for being a story for children, but I’m not aware of how they actually made it their band name.
Well, that one you find on YouTube … ;)
Links: MySpace