:date: 2012-02-22 10:03 .. index:: music The Bear that wasn't/And so it's morning dew ============================================ .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-mediacover/cdcover-the_bear_that_wasnt-and_so_it_is_morning_dew.jpg :alt: The bear that wasn't/And So it's morning dew :align: center :scale: 50 This one will be harder for you guys to get. And on just more than one level. I got mail - but let me begin where it started: There's this Belgian band called `The Bear that wasn't `__ which I first found when I was looking for :ref:`Boy and Bear <2011-boy_and_bear_moonfire>` last year. Wished I could remember which song it actually was to make me looking for it. It's just a memory in my head and a note I've taken when I was listening that let me remember them. When I tried to find the Album *And so it's morning dew*, it wasn't available (MP3 sales don't count in my world). So I wrote to the manager who forwarded me to one of the band members and we made a deal:  I send him money and he'll send me the album. Worked like a charm I have to say. Though I had to put more effort in this CD to get it, it's totally worth it. I'm quite happy that I got that CD. *The bear that wasn't* is not only similar by the name to *Boy and Bear*, but also with the music. But quite different. On their `myspace `__ site you'll find four songs, but they just poorly reflect the album at whole. You'll just get a glance of the variety of the music. It's a pity that they currently neither tour nor seem to sell their CD through any channel. It's a real pity. I'm really getting hooked to their music. Their band name seems to come `from a 1967 comic `__ (which you'll find on their website as well). It's a funny little story, maybe a bit to advanced for being a story for children, but I'm not aware of how they actually made it their band name. Well, that one you find on YouTube ... ;) Links: `MySpace `__