
Using all the syncing and keeping password databases/files up to date leads in the long run to some inconsistencies. Latest when one of the syncing services decides that it needs to create a copy of the databases, because something went wrong. Leaving you with two databases and an unknown state of them.
Instead of going through the keepassx and finding out which is the only entry that I might have in one, but not in the other, I decided just to go on with the new database file and take care about this later.
This later was today. After I’ve already checked methods of comparing the two files (mostly by exporting them to XML and do the magic), I found this script in the keepassx forum, doing exactly what I was looking for.
The built-in synchronization function of keepass (the alternative you could use) left me only with an empty file - not very funny.
In the end it turned out to be quite a hassle to a simple task like that. The script in the forum went flawless and merge everything in to a new XML-file, ready to be imported into a new database. Hope this file will last a bit longer than the other ones.
So if you’re in the need to merge to databases into a new one, there you go