:date: 2012-05-07 10:03 .. index:: tech, coding, linux Keepass ======= .. image:: http://www.keepassx.org/images/kp_logo_main.png :alt: Keepass :align: right Using all the syncing and keeping password databases/files up to date leads in the long run to some inconsistencies. Latest when one of the syncing services decides that it needs to create a copy of the databases, because *something went wrong*. Leaving you with two databases and an unknown state of them. Instead of going through the `keepassx `__ and finding out which is the only entry that I might have in one, but not in the other, I decided just to go on with the new database file and take care about this later. This *later* was today. After I've already checked methods of comparing the two files (mostly by exporting them to XML and do the magic), I found `this script `__ in the `keepassx forum `__, doing exactly what I was looking for. The built-in synchronization function of `keepass `__ (the alternative you could use) left me only with an empty file - not very funny. In the end it turned out to be quite a hassle to a simple task like that. The script in the forum went flawless and merge everything in to a new XML-file, ready to be imported into a new database. Hope this file will last a bit longer than the other ones. So if you're in the need to merge to databases into a new one, `there you go `__