Concert: Fleet Foxes¶

The first time I’ve heard Fleet Foxes was on the Øya-festival this summer. There I was actually quite impressed and liked what I heard. So it wasn’t a big deal to buy the tickets when their concert was announced this October.
Unfortunately I have to call this concert the most disappointed one I’ve been to for a long time. I’m not sure why though - I don’t think there is a single reason for that. Maybe a couple of them.
First, they somehow didn’t manage to make a connection between the stage and the audience. Of course, some hardcore fans really went into the music and everything, but it kept me outside all the time.
The second thing was the set-list. It was weird. Everything they started to build up some climax, the next song destroyed it immediately. It seems more like randomly organised and confusing than something I could go with.
Third (and worst): The instruments. I think it’s OK if you can play a couple of instruments and I like the variety of music. But at least you have to hit the tune. And they somehow didn’t manage that day. Fourth: There was not a slightest attempt to give you something for the eye. The reason why there’s only a couple of pictures this time is that basically nothing changed on the stage. Hardly the position of the band.
This was the first concert where I played with the idea of leaving earlier because I got really bored.
One excuse in favour of the band might be that they said they had to travel from Bergen to Oslo that day by car. Everyone around here know that this is about 7 to 9 hours ride, no very pleasant. But still: If this is your Job, you should still be able to deliver an average performance. I talked to a friend afterwards. His opinion was that “Fleet Foxes” are good on Festivals, but not that good on concerts.
He must have been to one, I guess.