Concert: Alter Bridge¶

After the slightly disappointing concert I was looking forward to a new highlight. The tickets I’ve bought as early as I could, somewhere between Spring and Summer, I think. In my opinion Alter Bridge was a safe bet. What could go wrong?
Not much. And it didn’t. They delivered as ordered: Rock of it’s best. Hard Bass, well played drums, noisy, rockin’, impelling. That was music as good as it can sound when you know how to play your instrument(s). They skipped the opening appetizer and served the main-dish right way. Together with a good show, performance and well-tempered connection to the crowed this year 2004-bottle of rock was an appealing combination for one and a halve hours.
The dessert with the guitar battle between the lead singer and the guitarist rounded up the whole evening. You ended up on the street at midnight with a satisfied mood and the confidence you’ve heard one of the most compelling concerts of this year.