:date: 2016-01-02 15:50
.. index:: tech, vim, vim-snippets, kodi
.. _`Vim-snippets and kodi`:
Vim-Snippets and Kodi
I was playing around with Kodi and had to add some nfo files in order to add some episodes to the kodi library that are not available in any scraper source.
Writing nfo files for kodi is a tedious task: A lot of XML structure, repeating itself over and over again.
Putting this into vim-snippets seems to be a logical process in order to make this easier to deal with.Vim-Snippets makes it in general easy to work with files and automatically replace and expand shortcuts depending on the code you're working on.
NFO files are not that type of file that is defined by a certain syntax as it appears, so there are no snippets for nfo files in the vim-snippets repository. I had to add it myself.
First I added the syntax definition for nfo files to `.vimrc`:
.. code::
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.nfo set filetype=nfo
au BufNewFile,BufRead tvshow.nfo set filetype=kodi_nfo
This will enable some snippets only for the tvshow files for kodi, others for all nfo files. According to the kodi documentation they must be called `tvshow.nfo`, so this will limit the snippet to one specific filename. The filetype *kodi_nfo* will make sure that there are only snippets in there used for kodi, not other nfo files.
Other snippets which must be available for all nfo files, since the files need to be named as the episode file.
The I placed the snippet code into `~/.vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/kodi_nfo.snippets`:
.. code::
# Snippets for Kodi-NFO Files
snippet tvshow-full
${14:Best TV Show ever!}
${29:Studio or Production Channel}
${31:Hugh Laurie}
${32:Dr. Gregory House}
${36:yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss}
snippet tvshow
${3:Thumb url}
${5:number of seasons}
${6:number of episodes}
snippet title
snippet showtitle
snippet rating
snippet votes>
snippet epbookmark
snippet year
snippet top250
snippet season
snippet episodes
snippet uniqueid
snippet displayseason
snippet displayepisode
snippet outline
snippet plot
snippet tagline
snippet runtime
snippet mpaa
snippet playcount
snippet lastplayed
snippet episodeguide
snippet id
snippet genre
snippet set
snippet premiered
snippet status
snippet code
snippet aired
snippet studio
snippet trailer
snippet actor
${1:Hugh Laurie}
${2:Dr. Gregory House}
snippet resume
snippet dateadded
The snippet for all nfo files looks like this:
.. code::
# Snippets for NFO Files
snippet episodedetails
snippet episodedetails-full
${5:The best episode in the world}
${8:Mr. Vision}
${10:Production studio or channel}
${11:MPAA certification}
${14:Little Suzie}
${15:Pole Jumper/Dancer
snippet credits
snippet director
${1:Mr. Vision}
snippet aired
snippet premiered
snippet studio
${1:Production studio or channel}
snippet mpaa
${1:MPAA certification}
snippet rating
snippet plot
${1:Some plot information}
snippet actor
${1:actor name}
${2:Pole Jumper/Dancer}
Now editing something like `tvshow.nfo` for kodi by just typing *tvshow* or *episodedetails* adds the necessary xml code and makes it easy to fill out. For some stuff it might be usefull to have some more tags available, so there is a second version with the extension *-full*. Also single tags are added in case they are needed.
* Update: 2016-01-03:
Some errors I make in the files and file structure got cleared and added more snippets.