:date: 2016-01-04 13:20 .. index:: ccc, 32c3, pls, kodi .. _`32C3`: 32C3 ==== The 32C3 has finished and I did not make it there. Again. But as usual, the CCC provides all talks as media to download. Dropping these sources as playlist in a file and adding it to kodi takes just a minute. .. code:: bash $ lynx -dump -listonly http://cdn.media.ccc.de/congress/2015/h264-sd/ | grep '\.mp4' > ~/32c3.tmp.pls $ sed s/^\ */File/ ~/32c3.tmp.pls | sed s/\.\ /=/ | sed "1s/^/[Playlist]\n\nNumberOfEntries=$(cat ~/32c3.tmp.pls | wc -l)\n\n/" > ~/32c3.pls Watching it, will take weeks.