:date: 2015-01-30 10:16 .. index:: nsb, trains .. _`2015-trains`: Trains ====== Since the middle of last December I am more depending on the public transport system, mainly trains. The general opinion (or the one that I commonly meet) is, that the trains are unreliable, not working, basically everything could be done better. During these days (and that is my first time experience with the local train system) there were only three occasions where the train system let me down: #. Once my train was seven minutes late #. On on occasion the train was announced 50 minutes late. Another train took over buses were waiting at the final destination to cover the rest of the trip. #. As a political statement against changes to the workers law the trains stopped for one hour (announced). I went and took a coffee instead. That seems to be my general approach in times of crisis: leave the station and fetch a coffee. It helps that Wayne’s is nearby. Though I cannot speak for other routes at all, in my case I have to ask: What’s the fuzz all about?