:date: 2014-04-20 20:22 .. index:: linux, tech, sendmail, email Sendmail bug ============ While working on this little script (:ref:`monitoring`) I ran into a bug from 2012, which was easy to fix as well. When running the sendemail command in order to send a mail (that's what it says, right?), I got an error: .. code:: bash sendEmail -f xxx@example.com -t recipient@example.com -u Test -m 'This is a test' -s smtp.example.com:587 -xu xxx_user -xp xxx_pw -o tls=yes sendemail: invalid SSL_version specified at /usr/share/perl5/IO/Socket/SSL.pm This is mentioned in `this `_ bug-report. And the solution is as listed quite simple: Replace .. code:: bash m{^(!?)(?:(SSL(?:v2|v3|v23|v2/3))|(TLSv1[12]?))$}i with .. code:: bash m{^(!?)(?:(SSL(?:v2|v3|v23|v2/3))|(TLSv1[12]?))}i In the mentioned file. The line number is not the one for the regex. Searching for *TLSv1* matched the regex in line 1602 in my case. **Update:** After doing this little change experienced some problemsm with the Perl Module *LWP::UserAgent* and connecting throug HTTPS. .. code:: Error: 500 Can't connect to example.com:443 After some digging and enabling SSH debugging in perl through .. code:: use IO::Socket::SSL qw(debug3); I found `this site `_ pointing me into the right direction: Reinstalling the Perl Module *IO::Socket::SSL* via CPAN resolved the issue here: .. code:: bash $ CPAN install IO::Socket::SSL