--- :date: 2014-11-28 08:28 .. index:: train, germany Deutsche Bahn ============= I am writing this in the train. A train in Germany. And I really tried not to get pissed this time and keep myself shut up, but I am fed up. If you do not want to read this rant, stop reading here. Most times when I am taking a train in Germany coming from or going to an airport I have to buy some additional ticket or deal with some additional shit with the german train system. The ticket system seems to have been designed to confuse and mislead people on purpose. An example: You choose a connection on the ticket machine, acknowledge it and pay for it. Then you follow the connection plan and take the trains listed on the schedule. On the train itself you will be told that your ticket is not valid and you have to pay an extra fee in order to take that particular train. The fee is at least half the price of what the ticket originally was. That sums up to the double amount of what a cheaper connection would have cost you. This seems to happen most of the times to me. And I am done with that. First I stopped using Ryan-Air because of the shit they gave me when it came to Hand-luggage and the trying to sell me lottery stuff on the plain. Now I will look for alternatives for the train system too. I am tired of all these discussions why and why not a ticket is valid or not and why I got that particular one. They want me as an unhappy customer - they do not get me as a customer at all. Done.