:date: 2014-03-19 08:26 .. index:: books Carl Sagan/The demon hunted world ================================= .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2014/2014-mediacover/bookcover-carl_sagan-the_demon_haunted_world.jpg :alt: Bookcover :align: right :scale: 50 I have finished another book. My morning trips in the subway make reading a book quite worthwhile. It empties the head and I've finally gotten the time to read something; twice a day. This time is was `Carl Sagans `_ `The demon haunted world `_. This book read itself. As intended to be written to explain the scientific method to amateurs, it does a marvelous job. I would say it is that good, it should be mandatory in school - and that would not be too far fetched in my opinion. The book gives a well formulated insight into presence and previous cultural and scientific phenomenons around the world. Carl Sagan is a master as seen quite rarely in breaking down complex structures into simple and easy understandable narratives. Even when holding the book to its own standards - as you should do with everything occasionally - it withstands easily most criticism and surely the basic ones. But the book is not celebrating science itself. Its main goal is more to give every reader a Toolset of the mind and a greater understanding of the world around us. This makes this book truly valuable in my eyes.