:date: 2013-04-01 13:50 .. index:: sport, images, oslo, snow, tryvan, life .. _`2013-the_season_is_over_now`: The season is over now ====================== .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2013/2013-placeholder/20130327125210-tryvann.jpg :alt: The last day :scale: 50 :align: right Now it's Easter again and that means something. Usually at least the end of the Skiing and Snowboarding season. And that's a real pity, because this year it took a while until I got started. The season is roughly about four months long. Tricky and icy in the first weeks, slushy in the last weeks. In between you can have some of the greatest moments on a Snowboard. Either I didn't find the right people to start with or I am getting lazy. The result was that I needed a kick-starter for getting out again. In February I almost looked at the season as already done. I had a couple of runs, got almost up to speed again and had a fantastic ride in Hovden. Roughly at that time I also watched `We Ride - The Story of Snowboarding `__. That got me started again. The movie is a brief summary about how Snowboarding got started, developed and became the Sport it is today. It's a documentary, but if you've ever been on a Snowboard, this might interest you. This year I've also introduced more people than ever into Snowboarding and I'll hope they'll follow up on it and will continue with it next year. That cost me actually of lot of my time as well which I could have (selfishly) spent on riding the hills on my own. But I hope this will come back to me next year and give me some nice people to go snowboarding with and a couple of hours with good company. I'm still using my first board and I still haven't managed to break it. In two occasions I tried smaller and lighter ones though and it was quite different. At a certain point I'd wish my board would fail (without to injure me) so I could get a new one. But that would be quite unnecessary, of course. The same with my Goggles. I think there's a higher chance of me losing them than that they will actually fail. Considering the prices of a new pair of Goggles, I should really keep track of them anyway. So, currently there's not much left for me than to wait for the next snow-season to come. This will inevitably happen in couple of months anyway...