:date: 2013-06-26 14:15 Project: Home ============= .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2010/2010-placeholder/20100918185428-flytting_marianne.jpg :align: center :scale: 50 -------- 2013-06-26 ---------- * Finally got the keys and took over. It's starting now. * Carried up some wood for the balcony. * Bought tape for the painting job. -------- 2013-06-27 ---------- * Removed all Screws from the walls and closed the holes with some filler I found. * Bought enough wood for the balcony. * Taped half of the apartment. * The guy came and removed the kitchen. The plan worked! * Looked at some barbecue-grills. * Bought a chair. * Bought a rack. * Bought a desk with a glas window in it. This will be so filled with light, man! * Measured the whole apartment. * Looked at some tiled backsplashes. -------- 2013-06-28 ---------- * Took a picture from the balcony in the current apartment. The owner will put out the apartment soon, I guess. * Finished temporarily the balcony with the wooden floor and flowers. * Looked at grills and bought one. * Barbecued. -------- 2013-06-29 ---------- * Bought a cupboard for the bathroom. * Tried to tighten some screws and failed. * Set up a grill and barbecued -------- 2013-06-30 ---------- * Bought another locker, but couldn't take it with home. Next week then. * Setup the closet for the bathroom. * Bought a sofa and brought it home. * Bought fourthree chairs - one can't be repaired. The new covers fit. * Got some mud for the plants on the balcony. * Barbecued. -------- 2013-07-01 ---------- * Smoothened some holes. * Removed some electrics. * Let some water running. * Trying to get hold of an electrician. * Closed the last holes in the walls. * Built some more cupboards. * Got an electrician *phew* * Let the Plumper in. * Barbecued. -------- 2013-07-02 ---------- * Threw stuff away. * Watched the rain. * Watched the kitchen arriving. * Measured everything. * Screwed some stuff together. * Painted some walls. * Watched a water tank being moved. * Barbecued. -------- 2013-07-03 ---------- * Bought paint * Almost spilled the paint in the stairs * Fixed the wooden floor on the Balcony * Painted walls * Watched the electrics in the kitchen being fixed * Setup kitchen * Had a chat with a locksmith * Barbecued -------- 2013-07-04 ---------- * Bought breakfast on the way. * Continues with the kitchen. * Setup many, many drawers; multiple times. * Painted. * Oiled. * Re-filled gasoline. * Threw away garbage. * Filled the car with garbage again. * Forgot furniture in the other car. * Barbecued. -------- 2013-07-05 ---------- .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2013/2013-placeholder/20130704155517opppyssing_leilighet.jpg :scale: 50 :align: right * Worked on the kitchen * Changed the door-lock (became a locksmith myself) * Painted the ceiling * Fixed the balcony floor. * Got the pipes fixed (there's now water in the kitchen!) -------- 2013-07-06 ---------- * Painted, painted, painted. * Set in Switches and stuff. * Barbecued. -------- 2013-07-07 ---------- * Painted. * Painted. * Painted. * Barbecued. -------- 2013-07-08 * Cleaned up the old apartment. * Painted a wall. * Painted a door. * Painted something else. * Got the sofa delivered. * .. and a chair. * Barbecued. -------- 2013-07-10 ---------- * Selected and bought tiles for the kitchen. * Bought some small tools. * Didn't do anything and went to bed early.... -------- 2013-07-10 ---------- * Painted. * Removed Tape * Switched some switches * Barbecued -------- 2013-07-11 ---------- * Painting. * Setting up the kitchen. * Cutting some wood. * Cleaning up * Barbecued -------- 2013-07-12 ---------- * Got the rest of the electric to work, almost missed the electrician. * Organized some more boxes and bags. * Finally: Moving. * Fixed internet at the new location. -------- So now, after 17 days, all is left is unpacking and unwrapping. Some parts still need some minor fixing and repairing and in a couple of days the old apartment will also being cut lose. So after a couple of more hours, everything will be settled. Most of the work has been done and it will get easier from now on, I hope.