:date: 2013-02-22 08:41 .. index:: podcast Podcast : The Void 001 (EN) - Are you freaking serious? ======================================================= Here it is: The first episode of a test podcast with Gabi and me. We're testing what happens if we record our deeply philosophical talks we're used to have every now and then and push them out to you. To make it even more interesting we spiced the talk up with three glasses of wine and three cappuchini. You have to excuse the effect of the wine towards the end. We're talking about Work, Telephones, Ikea, Consultants, Photography, Cars, and Skiing and share our unfiltered opinions about it. And yes: I'm talking far too quick and he's talking far too slow. We're working on that. `The void 001 `__ Download as `MP3 (52MB) `__ | `OPUS (51MB) `__ Any ideas for a logo?