:date: 2012-09-06 11:22 .. index:: tech, blogg, otcopress, wordpress, linux, markdown .. seealso:: * :ref:`2012-wordpress_to_octopress` * :ref:`2012-wordpress_to_octopress_audio` * :ref:`2012-wordpress_to_octopress_comments` * :ref:`2012-wordpress_to_octopress_galleries` * :ref:`2012-wordpress_to_octopress_videos` .. _`2012-wordpress_to_octopress_images`: Wordpress to Octopress: Images ============================== .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-placeholder/20120828-wordpress_to_octopress.png :alt: Wordpress to Octopress :align: right :scale: 50 Another step on my way from moving from `Wordpress `__ to `Octopress `__ and to free the pictures out of :program:`Wordpress` and the :program:`NextGen`-Gallery plug-in. This script takes the exported CSV-files from the :program:`MySQL` tables from the NextGen-Gallery and greps the information of your exported posts and replaces the NextGen-Gallery syntax with either: * :program:`Fancybox` syntax * Photo-tag plugin syntax * :program:`Octopress` syntax As with the gallery script you basically run it once without any parameters to get the syntax and then you act accordingly.