:date: 2012-11-24 21:42 .. index:: tech, rss Underskog and RSS ================= `Underskog `__ - the website I don't have actually access to - has changed their linking, addressing and a bit of their layout as well. A while ago. As consequence: :ref:`my RSS parser script <2012-rss>` broke. Today I kneeled down a bit and had a look on the changes they've made... A bit of HTML-Fu here and new links of there. Nothing tricky. Since I already where down there, I've ordered another coffee from the bar and included this time the images and linked them to an event as well. Therefore the RSS feeds look a bit more colorful now and aren't as boring as before. I've also fixed an issue with the deploy script that actually publishes the feeds.Not sure why it worked before, but I've checked it's working now. Happy Feeding! PS: I've use the chance to fix `my broken RSS `__ feed to this side as well... oi,oi,oi. * `Underskog - Oslo `__ * `Underskog - Bergen `__ * `Underskog - Trondheim `__