:date: 2012-08-08 10:03 .. index:: music Tom McRae/Just like blood ========================= .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-mediacover/cdcover-tom_mcrae-just_like_blood.jpg :alt: Tom McRae - Just like blood :align: center :scale: 100 This is the first CD that I actually pulled out of the drawer. My own drawer. And officially it's not my CD either. It belongs to someone else. Nonetheless it's a fantastic album. I've chosen it randomly for having some background music for a dinner a couple of weeks ago. Damn, it was hard focussing on the delicious food instead (not so hard to focus on my dinner partner, though...). `Tom McRae `__ played himself easily into my playlist. I'm actually surprised. Other songs from other albums are quite pop-ish, I think - too much for my taste. But this one I like. Really like it. The album starts slow, is speeding up then in the middle and coming to a calm end. Almost perfect for the background music during a dinner as I've tried - just almost, because it's still too good, the music too catchy to ignore it and being able to press it into the back. I'm not sure if I've heard a couple of songs before and every time I listen to the album it's getting harder to say. My brain starts to being fuddled and is struggling to separate between real memories and some I'd like to have - so I'm really not sure if some of the songs just have always been there or if they just fit right into my taste of music... Links: * `Official Webpage `__