:date: 2012-08-01 10:03 .. index:: music The Jolly Boys/Great expectations ================================= .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-mediacover/cdcover-the_jolly_boys-great_expectation.jpg :align: center :alt: The Jolly Boys/Great expectation The first song was like: *yeah.. ok.. not bad* The second song was like: *hmm.. ok, something is there...* The third song was like: *hell - these guys are good!* This album will grow on you after a while. Initially it's a bit different. A bit too close to other cover-versions (oh, didn't I mention that this album is full over cover-versions?) of some famous songs. But after a while you recognize that this is different. You get the idea of what you can actually achieve after a almost 60 year band-history. *The Rolling Stones*? Pah! (1962). *Pink Floyd*? Humbug!! (1965) Only *Chuck Berry* comes close enough. `The Jolly Boys `__ are on stage since 1955, play constantly and are currently the house band of the hotel *GeeJam* in `Port Antonio `__. House Band.. how cool is that? Here you go with the first song: Links: `Official Site `__