:date: 2012-10-31 17:49 .. index:: music .. _`2012-the_do_a_mouthful`: The Dø/A Mouthful =================== .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-mediacover/cdcover-the_do-a_mouthful.jpg :align: center :scale: 100 :alt: The dø/A mouthful Today's favourite: `The Dø `__! Their album `A Mouthful `__ is on my playlist now for one or two years and I can't believe I haven't featured them here yet. Beside the music their name always triggered my imagination: _dø_ means to die in most Scandinavian language. But that's not even close to the intention of this name. You can `read about it yourself `__. I'm talking about music here. Their song *On My Shoulders* made it very quickly and permanently on my playlists. And it doesn't seem to wear off. Not sure if it's a happy or a sad song though, I like to think about it as a sad song, but others might decide otherwise. The whole album might be a lit weird to listen to, but it has a sneaky and continuous way to get to you. This weirdness and twisted noises they have, that's what made it so interesting for me, quite irresistible... Links: `Official Website `__ | `Vimeo `__