:date: 2012-12-29 12:14 .. index:: snow, images, travel, sandnessjøen Snowstorm ========= .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-placeholder/20121227123248-snoe.jpg :alt: Inside the storm :align: right :scale: 50 These days between Christmas and New Years eve are wonderful. I'm sitting happy in the middle of one of the strongest snowstorms I've ever been. This means not necessarily that this is one of the strongest snowstorms ever as well, but the wind is raging now two days without a break and piling up more and more snow. I like it. While the wind is trying to tear the house apart and I'm sitting in the warmth of the after-christmas time, it's maybe time to draw a little resume about the last year. And maybe make some plans for the new one as well. I'm using this blog as a personal diary currently to keep track of what I've done and seen, so: in 2012... * I went to a couple of concerts * Went to the theater * Found some amazing artists to listen to * Listened to a lot of podcasts * Done one single podcast myself * Seen a couple of movies at the cinema * Switched the blog from Wordpress to Octopress * Switched Jobs * Moved in a shared apartment. * Learned a lot of Perl * Learned a lot of C * Learned a lot in terms of computer anyway * Traveled to Træna * Learned kayaking * and so on, and so on.... When watching back to this after making this list, it doesn't look that back. That's, why where is this blog: because I can't remember what I've done a month ago and so it's nice to be able to check after a while. I wished I could already go into the entries for the upcoming year in order to see what's going to happen. That would be neat. Wishful thinking, I'm afraid. Which one of those was the biggest, I can't say. Surely moving the blog was one of the things I've spend most work into. Freeing all my information out of Wordpress and becoming more flexible with keeping all my data was quite hard afterwards. I wished I've done this right from the beginning and didn't have to do it afterwards with about 400 posts. That was a kind of exhausting. In the real world on the other hand, moving and switching jobs required a bit of preparation as well. Especially the moving was emotionally bound to more that I expected. It felt like closing one part of my life and beginning a new one. Nothing to regret so far, but still some small things to miss. That's how it always is. For the upcoming year there are no big travel plans so far. _Big_ means everything longer than a long weekend. Not that I wouldn't like to, but switching jobs also brings along a new start with counting of the vacation days and bundled to that some money issues, if you don't watch out. Long weekends will do fine, I think. This will be covered by overtime as well, I hope. There's too much to do in my daily life anyway, I think. Too much too try out, to experience and to learn. Going on Vacation will either be a luxury or a necessity when getting to exhausted. Oh, one more think: I think I'll finally have an appointment with _my_ dentist. I'm moving this for more than a year now and this isn't how it should be. It's not necessary yet, but surely a maintenance check wouldn't hurt.