:date: 2012-05-02 10:03 .. index:: music Silversun Pickups/Swoon ======================= .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-mediacover/cdcover-silversun_pickups-swoon.jpg :alt: Silversun Pickups/Swoon :align: center :scale: 100 This time we're going more to the Rock-category again. I had totally forgotten about `Silversun Pickups `__ until I've accidentally heard a song last week, that reminded me of how great they actually are. But it's not like the other music during the last couple of weeks: This one is for dancing, singing, enjoying. And this is another example of how my *Music-discovery-tool* works: A magic, black box on my desk decides for me what I like and starts search for it on the internet, local bars and concerts around. If you see a shadow on a concert, maybe just in the corner of your eye - that's it. Then my box is there and checking the music, probably reading people's mind as well to see what music they might know about. From one of those occasions *Silversun Pickups* rose. It's a shame that they faded away on my playlist, I will not let this happen again. The music is categorized as *alternative-indie-dream-rock* .. whatever that means. They remind me a bit of *MEW*, which would be enough for me to give them a shoot (just for you that you know what I'm talking about here). Their new Album *Neck of the woods* will come out in two days and I'm really tempted to just buy this blindly. We'll see. Links * `Official Site `__