:date: 2012-06-03 10:03
.. index:: tech, markdown, scribes, linux, pandoc
.. _`2012-scribes_and_markdown`:
Scribes and markdown
.. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-placeholder/logo_scribes.png
:alt: Scribes logo
:align: right
:scale: 100
There's a new kid in town. Well, not quite new, but haven't seen it around for a while.
`Scribes `__ is an editor, providing functionality like Tex-Mate from Mac on Linux.
I've been using it now for a couple of weeks and more and more it starts to replace my :program:`gedit` editor. Mostly because of the autosave-feature, but also because I don't have to bother with anything else while writing.
To implement `markdown `__ support for your files you have to do two things:
* Install the markdown template
* Name your files with the right extension (obviously)
Installing Markdown template
Currently Markdown isn't supported by delivery for :program:`Scribes`. But :program:`Scribes` is `using the GTKSourceView `__ for the Syntax Highlighting. So you have to push that support into that system instead.
Information you find easily yourself and on the `Scribes Support pages `__.
In easy steps:
#. Download the latest version of `gedit-markdown `__.
#. Copy the file :file:`markdown.lang` and/or :file:`markdown-extra.lang` int the :file:`gtksourceview` directory;
.. code:: bash
$ sudo cp markdown.lang /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/
$ sudo cp markdown-extra.lang /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/
$ sudo cp markdown.lang /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/
$ sudo cp markdown-extra.lang /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/
3. Restart :program:`Scribes`
Alternatively you can also install the `support for the syntax `__ to :program:`gedit`. That way you can use :program:`gedit` (which has a `Plugin `__ for that as well) with markdown-syntax support.
File name extension
There's seems to be `a kind of `__ `controversy `__ going on about the extension. As usual, consensus seems to be a foreign word. So currently it seems to be that these are more or less supported file extensions:
.. code:: bash
There are pros and cons for most of them. For me working with :program:`Scribes` the ending :file:`.markdown` works best. Looks a bit weird having such a long one, but: HEY! it works!!!
Markdown to PDF
Sometimes you want to send a readable document to somebody else who's reluctantly ignoring any progress of developing. So you send them a PDF. That makes sure, that
#. They don't complain about text-files which contain too much information and too less design.
#. They can't change the information. Who knows what they are capable of, if they can't even read a text-file?
Easy, simple and quick using `pandoc `__:
.. code:: bash
$ sudo apt-get install pandoc # Installation
$ pandoc -o outputfile.pdf inputfile.markdown
Then you're done.