:date: '2012-05-15 10:03 .. index:: rss, tech, music, underskog, rockefeller .. _`2012-rss`: RSS === There is this platform called `underskog `__, where you get some informations about events going on in your area, all related to culture. Music, Theater, Art - name it and it will be probably be there. This could be quite useful, if, yes if there weren't two minor drawbacks: #. It's locked to invitations, that means you have to be invited to become a member. #. There's no `RSS `__ feed available to somehow use the data meaningful. On the positive side: the calendar of events is openly accessible. Everybody is free to stick around and check what's happening. Regarding the first issue: I don't care. I don't understand what a membership should bring me as a service if I am allowed to read the site anyway. The only annoying this is that for that I have to come to the website. Not what I want to do. Not what I usually do. I rather drop sites like that into my RSS reader and fire that one up once a day. So I had to build my own RSS feed from `underskog `__. The attached script does exactly that: * Grep the website * Crawl through it and read out the relevant data * Write it into an RSS-XML file. I've placed the Script publicly on a server and the created file as well. Feel free to put it into your RSS reader. The address is: :samp:`http://rss.micronarrativ.org/underskog_oslo.rss` The file is updated once an hour to get the updates from `underskog `__ as well. The script-file is placed `here `__. -------- Update ------ I had a run and made another RSS for the `Rockefeller Music Hall `__ as well. They're promoting events in one of their three locations, but don't put out RSS streams for the program. Annoying. You'll find their RSS at: :samp:`http://rss.micronarrativ.org/rockefeller_oslo.rss` I might change the feeds from time to time, adjusting the content of fixing issue when I see them, but the addresses should be the same and not change. Please feel also free to make suggestions for improvements if you have. The script-file is placed `here `__. You'll find both RSS addresses also on the rights side linked. Just copy and paste them into your RSS-Reader. -------- Update ------ Same stuff for `Bergen `__ and `Trondheim `__ (Thanks to `Iveta `__). Update (2012-11-24) ------------------- Script fixed after `underskog `__ has changed their layout and their paths a while ago. Update (2013-05-01) ------------------- Extended the rockefeller-script. It now gets the detailed information about each event, puts links to all addresses, shows the scene it's playing on and finally I've fixed the bug that showed only the first line of the headline.