:date: 2012-11-13 09:14 .. index:: politics, terror Protection against terror ========================= They are doing it again. Panic! Panic! Panic! This time `Aftenposten `__ is going crazy and not thinking about what they are writing. * `Ingen fører terrortilsyn med jernbanen og T-banen `__ * `Tilfeldigheter avgjør om PST oppdager terror `__ .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-placeholder/20121112-aftenposten-terror_headline.png :alt: Headline from Aftenposten.no :width: 400 .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-placeholder/20121113-aftenposten-terror_headline.png :width: 400 :alt: Headline from Aftenposten.no Actually, when I saw `the first article `__ yesterday, I didn't want to bring it up. It just looked like a glimpse and I didn't want to waste another rant on this, not again. But today `Aftenposten `__ is continuing using the word wrong and publishing nonsense. Congratulations. You deserved one point for pointing out the obvious: *Terror* can't be prevented or predicted. And you loose one point for not getting that this is the nature of *Terror*. And by just pointing out that nobody is prepared (because you can't be prepared) and not putting it in relation to other things you frighten people. I'm not sure what is worse: Scaring people by acts of terror of scaring them by warning for possible acts of terror. There are still more dead people in traffic every day than by terror - and nobody is afraid or is pointing it out.