:date: 2012-07-20 10:03 .. index:: books Humans as Gods ============== .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-mediacover/book-menschen_wie_goetter.png :alt: Bookcover "Humans as Gods" :align: right :scale: 50 Another book. It takes a while for me to read the paper-thingies, especially when they are as thick as this one (~1000 sides). The original title `Люди как Боги `__ - or with the German title: `Menschen wie Götter `__ - contains actually three books. I couldn't find a version in English - that still needs to be translated, I guess. Since I spent the last week on a remote island in the north I had plenty of time for reading this book and when the plane touched down here again, I read the last lines. It doesn't happen very often, that I read Science-Fiction books, I rather prefer the movies instead. But some jewels never will make it into a movie or are just to unpopular or even impossible to produce. This is another one, I'm afraid. In your head are going to be created big space-ships, high-physic explosions characters you haven't even heard of. Certainly it will remind of you the `Perry Rhodan Series `__ - if you're familiar with it. Eli Gamasin will start flying to the stars grow and you'll follow him.... PS: I've got a book to give away.