:date: 2012-03-02 10:03 .. index:: tech, linux Guake Terminal ============== Now it has happened. With updating some older systems and changes in the GUI the old `Yakuake `__ drop-down terminal stopped working reliable. What a bummer. With `Cinnamon `__ the refreshing of the terminal didn't work that accurate any more, so that sometimes I either couldn't see what the current screen in screen was (he,he,he) or I just had to guess what was going on there. In total: The application has become useless for me. Just a few seconds searching brought up `Guake `__ as alternative for :program:`Gnome` (Since :program:`Yakuake` has always been for KDE). Installation took another second. Configuration two more. Compared to :program:`Yakuake` the configuration is quite simple and just limited to a hand-full of options - which frankly is enough IMHO. But I couldn't use my old :kbd:`Scroll-Lock` key for opening and closing the terminal. :program:`Guake` doesn't seem to recognize it. I guess I have to learn to get used to :kbd:`` then. PS: If you're not happy with `Yakuake `__ or :program:`Guake` either, you might wanna try out `Tilda `__ then.