:date: 2012-03-08 10:03 .. index:: music Concert: Feist ============== .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-placeholder/20120306222759konsert_feist.jpg :alt: Feist - Concert :align: right :scale: 50 That was a nice concert. `Feist `__ was playing, supported by one of the guys from *Kings of Convenience* (Why haven't I written about them before?). And it turned out the concert was completely different from what to expect. Of course I didn't know that when I bought the tickets. But the fact it has been sold-out, should have given me at least a hint, that the decision to go to that concert was right. Since I've mentioned Feist already :ref:`here <2011-feist_metals>`, no need to introduce her again. At least not her music. What I need to introduce though, is the difference between the studio and the live performance she makes. From the studio album to the live version it's quite a step though and :ref:`some bands <2011-concert_fleet_foxes>` really can't make that step, it seems. Feist on the other hand surprised with with a highly sophisticated usage of the guitar and her voice. Honestly: If you've just listened to the CD so far, you actually miss quite a lot by not having been to this concert. You probably can't guess her blues background by just listening to the albums. But when you put her on a stage and give a bit of background musicians you'll see quite a development. It's like unleashing the devil. Well, I could go on for a while like this without getting tired, but it would be best if you just go to a concert instead. Links: `Official Webpage `__