:date: 2012-07-04 10:03 .. index:: music Angus Stone/Broken Brights ========================== .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-mediacover/cdcover-angus_stone-broken_brights.jpg :align: center :scale: 100 I should really stop doing this. Really. It's getting a bit out of hand. So much nice music.... In the beginning I wasn't sure if I should write about `Angus Stone `__, Brother of `Julia Stone `__. The first listening of this album wasn't remarkable. Well, the first song I heard was *Wooden Chair*, since that was the first video that came out. Well.. a bit catchy.. ok. But nothing more after the first hearing impression. When roaming through the rest of the album, it was more like... _"hmm.. well.. hmmm. ok... hmm..". The excitement wasn't really starting off. I started remembering the good old days albums of `Angus & Julia Stone `__, with songs which immediately take off and sett you back on the ground after the album has already finished minutes ago. Never earlier. That was a mistake. My lazy nature didn't let me change my playlist for a couple of days, so each day began with Angus and the whole album. By now I must have already listened to it about 10 or more times at least. And now it's starting to take off. From the unspectacular musical cover of the beginning slowly a better and better album unfolds. You can still hear the roots of the duo-songs with his sister, but it's different. Not bad at all, just different. Let me put it this way: If you expect a new album from *Angus & Julia Stone* - that's not what you get. Don't go for this one then. But if you want to taste something a bit different, which is more relaxing and calmer, then you should try this album for dessert. [#f1]_ It's definitely worth buying it. Links: * `Official Site `__ .. [#f1] Well, I tried a metapher here: If you go for the maindish, then you need effort, it tires you, you have an experience and you need to focus. For the dessert you need lees personal effort, you can simply enjoy it on a couch instead sitting on a table. You get it?