:date: 2012-09-12 10:30 .. index:: music .. seealso:: * :ref:`2012-amanda_palmer` * :ref:`2010-amanda_palmer_who_killed_amanda_palmer` .. _`2012-amanda_palmer_theater_is_evil`: Amanda Palmer/Theater is evil ============================= .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2012/2012-mediacover/cdcover-amanda_palmer-theatre_is_evil.jpg :alt: Amanda Palmer / Theater is evil :align: center :scale: 100 She's back. Finally. When :ref:`in May <2012-amanda_palmer>` her Kickstarter project started I supported it with a small amount of money to see what will come around. Roughly a week ago I got the confirmation that CD is on its way. Yesterday I got the email with the download code as well. Just to make it clear: You get the physical CD via snail-mail and the download in parallel. That's how it should be. Well done, Amanda. Of course the Album will be in ordinary sale as well, but you'll hardly get the extra stuff that (if you wanted it) was offered along in the Kickstarter project. I'm still busy with going through the album (there are 23 songs!!!) in order to figure out if I like it or not. So far I know that I don't not like it. That's good for a start. Considering that it took a moment to get used to the :ref:`first album I've heard <2010-amanda_palmer_who_killed_amanda_palmer>` I have a good chance to like this one as well. This was also the first time that I joined a community project and supported someone without knowing in advance how and what it will be. From May until know there were several e-mail from Amanda with a tons of updates, videos, pictures and background information. All freely shared. That gave me always the feeling that I was somehow part of the project, that I was somehow involved. As far as I remember there were some parties as well, but because of the distance it didn't fit quite into my calendar to join. Maybe next time. In total I can say that supporting this was a great experience and I consider my money well spent. And I'm glad that I can listen to a new album of Amanda Palmer.