:date: 2011-11-18 10:03 .. index:: tech, music Radiotray ========= .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/icons/icon-radiotray.png :align: center :scale: 100 There are two streams I listen to every now and then. One is an evening radio show coming once a month, the other one a radio comedy channel (but gets worse and worse every time I listen to it). The streams are perfectly played by `mplayer `__, but stopping the streams were always a hassle, since I had to kill the processes manually. Well, I could have extended the script and killed the processes there, but .... don't know. What fixed that problem for me is that tiny, little program `RadioTray `__. It basically places a small icon in your tray from where you can start, stop and change a stream. Beside several preconfigured streams you can put your own ones in there as well. Now I just fire up :program:`RadioTray` when I want to listen to a stream and "lalalalalalala". By the way: The stream from Radio Paradise seems to be very nice (http://www.radioparadise.com). No news, no commercials and mostly good music.