:date: 2011-10-25 10:03 .. index:: tech, podcasts, movies Experiments =========== In the section `Philosophy of OpenLearn `__ I found a couple of interesting videos and articles. For a quick entry I can recommend the 60 second videos about thought experiments and paradoxes. When it comes to `Achilles and the Tortoise `__ there are some proposed solutions to that paradox. But you might also wanna check `Skeptiods episode about Zeno's `__ Paradoxes. There `Brian Dunning `__ explains the paradox and why it can't work. Really. It can't. The probably best one is the one of `Diogenes the Cynic `__: According to `Simplicius `__ he responded nothing at all when  he heard Zeno's argument for the first time, but just stood up, walked a round and demonstrated that way, that the conclusion of Zeno therefore must have been wrong. Well, this is half of it. In order to fix a paradox you also have to prove the falsity of the argument wrong, not only the conclusion. But hey! As a starter ?