:date: 2011-01-17 23:35 .. index:: music Cocoon/All my friends died in a plane crash =========================================== .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2011/2011-media-cover/cdcover-cocoon-all_my_friends_died_in_a_planecrash.jpg :alt: Cocoon, All my friends died in a plane crash :align: center :scale: 100 This was quite a tricky one to find. Last year I've watched with a friend the movie `Leo's room `__ (`IMDB `__). In one or two scenes there's a background music, which I've considered very - let's say "catchy" when I've heard it the first time. My friend actually managed to find the soundtrack (which is in Spanish) and gathered all songs for me.  So I got used to *Cocoon*. Usually I'm only mentioning one album of a group, not two. This time I can make an exception and tell you to listen to both. The first one from 2007 is called *All my friends died in a plane crash*, the second one from 2010 *where the oceans end*. Additionally (when looking up the songs) I found Cocoon made  also some cover versions, e.g `Kung Fu fightin' `__ and `Hey Ya! `__. PS.: I hate birds.