:date: 2011-02-14 22:36 .. index:: music, tech, life Amanda Palmer sells stuff ========================= For `Radio Bergmann Episode 175 `__ David Weinberger interviewed `Amanada Palmer `__ and Donald Glover about their view how independent Artists live, play and sell music nowadays.  Surprisingly you don't hear the usual complains about "The world is so bad, everybody is just coping music. We're all gonna die..., bla,bla,bla" from the labels. You get more likely an bottom-top view from Artists living at the same level as their fans, being a bit more realistic about their position in the (music-)world. Big music publishers may be worried about declining CD sales and the inability of digital purchases to make up the difference. But independent artists have continued to create, innovate, connect with fans, and even make a pretty decent living on their own, without big budget promotions — or even physical copies of their albums in stores. For today’s show we were lucky to be joined by two amazing artists: Amanda Palmer sat down with David Weinberger to talk about her latest self-release, Amanda Palmer Goes Down Under, and her mission to redefine what success as a musician means. And Donald Glover chatted with us about the wonder of his quintuple threat career — star of NBC’s Community, writer, standup comic, remix artist, and rapper — his most recent release, and how he makes a living making music that is free as in beer, and free as in speech. `The interview with Donald Glover `__ starts at 26:33