:date: '2010-01-02 07:47:48' .. index:: tech The CCC has finished ==================== As probably all of you know, the `CCC `__ was holding it's famous Chaos Communication Congress 26C3 this year again between Christmas and New-Years-Eve. In 2007 (AFAIR) they needed about three months to convert and upload all recordings of the presentations. But they have improved. This year - I am very pleased - all work already seems to be done and the files are available for downloading and viewing at ftp://ftp.ccc.de/congress/26c3/mp4/. Therefore I instructed my Zyxel already to start downloading the torrent stuff for me. Unfortunately (or luckily, depends on the point of viewing) not all presentations are in English. Many of them are, so don't hesitate to have at least a look on it. The schedule is available at `this website `__. Damnit. I'll be busy with viewing all this stuff for the next weeks, I guess....