:date: '2010-04-13 21:51:32' .. index:: music Nina Nastasia/You follow me =========================== .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2010/2010-mediacover/cdcover-nina_nastasia-you_follow_me.jpg :alt: Nina Nastasia/You follow me :align: center Finally my new CD arrived yesterday: You follow me/`Nina Nastasia `__ & Jim White. To keep this entry short: I'm pleased. Though I only knew the first song "I've been out walking" it turns out to be one of the best Albums I've recently bought. The music itself is a bit tricky to describe for me, therefore I put here a `link to a youtube `__ video. See your self! I like tricky, tricky music in special, 'cause it fits perfectly to how I currently feel (BAM, BAM, BAM).