:date: '2010-08-16 16:03:18'

.. index:: movies

Movie: Moon (2009)

.. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2010/2010-mediacover/film-2009-moon.png
   :align: center

`Moon (IMDB) <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1182345/>`__ was a recommendation from a friend of mine, who mentioned it in a discussion about movies we had once.

The movie was OK and over average, but not extraordinary good. If I put the rating in my regret-to-have-seen-it-in-cinema-or-not-scale, I think I wouldn't have regret it. The Plot is about the engineer Sam Bell who's close to end his three year contract working alone on that mining station. His day to day tasks is to harvest periodically containers from the mining vehicles and send them back to earth where it's used as a clean source of energy. His only company is a computer called GERTY which takes care about his daily needs. With two weeks left before returning and an increasing restlessness he starts to hallucinate and causes and accident at one of the harvesters. When he awakes back on the station GERTY tells him that the company has send a special team to clean up the accident with the harvester and Sam shall recover for a couple of days.

Instead of  resting Sam takes an unauthorized trip to the harvester and makes an unexpected discovery.