:date: '2009-12-09 08:04:20' .. index:: food, oslo, images Delivery for me =============== .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2009/12/20091205-niklauspakke_for_meg/20091209173620-niklauspakke_for_meg.jpg :align: right I got a package today from my Mom. Regarding St. Nicholas. Thanks for that, Mom. I've totally forgotten about that day during the last weeks. I have to mention that my mom has always remembered that day since the last years, where I'm not living nearby at all. Very nice. For one second I was a little bit confused (the picture in the middle) about why I'm getting a toilet brush, but luckily this was just the wrapping. *phew* So currently I've got all the nice Christmas candies they're selling in GOG (Good old Germany), at least the most important ones. Takk for det! PS: If anyone feels the need to send more stuff, please feel free to do so! .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2009/12/20091205-niklauspakke_for_meg/20091209173620-niklauspakke_for_meg.jpg :width: 200px .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2009/12/20091205-niklauspakke_for_meg/20091209173716-niklauspakke_for_meg.jpg :width: 200px .. image:: /_images/images/gallery/2009/12/20091205-niklauspakke_for_meg/20091209230415-niklauspakke_for_meg.jpg :width: 200px