
In 1981 Ronja Robbersdaughter was published. The story should be well known by most people of northern Europe, maybe not the younger ones. Nonetheless it’s a story to grow up with. All the dwarfs, harpies, small trolls that live in the Mattis-forest. The story of Ronja was always some kind of mystical to me. I was too young to really understand what was going on. So the memory remaining was something of a wild girl, in a forest, mystical creatures everywhere. I couldn’t even tell if it was only one story of three. And I haven’t seen it since then.
Luckily the National-Theater has set “Ronja Røvardatter” on its playing set. Someday in spring. I knew quite quickly that this was something I’d like to see. Though I had no idea what to expect, but the romantic memories of the pass seemed to be a guarantee enough to make it an enjoyable evening.
So finally September arrived and they started playing. Using a lucky opportunity I turned the whole thing around, bought two tickets and wrapped them up in a gift. Perfect, not only for me.
The theater was full of kids. So the story still seemed to be told. The expectation that originally was quite high and then lowered by all the kids, quickly started climbing up again. This was a proper theater adaption that balanced gracefully between an easy understanding for the five-year-olds and wonderful entertainment for adults (though most of them were probably only accompanying their kids). The whole show was supported by a four-man orchestra. Altogether it was spicy enough for not being bored and not too theatrically and drifting away into art. I enjoyed that I could be young again for two hours.
And “Iovis” still is a beautiful name…