Osymyso/Intro Inspection¶

This week something new. I stumbled over a Bastard Pop from Osymyso where he/she has combined a <strike>a couple of</strike>100 songs into one and only played the intro’s.
Sounds boring? It isn’t.
I skipped it a couple of time in my playlist. The beginning wasn’t a catchy as I hoped. But after only a few more beats I found already one of the songs that I liked. And I got a ~12min soundtrack delivered. I was walking in the sunshine next to the shore. And quite in a good mood, I should say. The compilation made my day.
The fact that I listened to about 100 different Intros I found out later. Much later, when I started going after this on the Net. Turns out there’s also an entry on WP for this, giving a bit more details about this guy.
Well, my point isn’t actually the Song itself. Maybe it is? Well, it got me at least to go through this list of songs and cherry-picking out the ones that I wanted to listen to so badly after having only heard the intro.
Most of the songs are from the 80’s, maybe 90’s. So don’t expect any big surprises. There are certainly some classics in there from before that time, but most of all: There are all the names of the songs on that list, that I didn’t know yet. At least some of the really cool ones finally “got” a name for me now.
Links: Official Website