
When you start configuring Puppet, you’ll quickly end up defining all you parameters according to your environment in your Manifests. And as you know: that makes these manifests quite unflexible. Every small difference on a host will require a different manifest.

That’s not what we like, is it?

So Puppetlabs started to introduce Hiera, a Hierarchical Database.

Using Hiera for anything else but hierarchical data seems IMHO meaningless. But for Puppet and testing of Manifests it’s wonderful. After circumnavigating some issues it’s even pretty simple to use.


I’m already running Octopress on my system. So Ruby was already installed and a simple installation was done with gems.

$ gems install hiera

Alternatively you can just use GIT to clone the current repository to you disk and run the Hiera binary from the bin-sub-folder

$ git clone https://github.com/puppetlabs/hiera.git github.com.hiera.git
$github.com.hiera.git> /bin/hiera --help

For getting it to work for Puppet there’s another module (hiera-puppet) providing the connection between Hiera and Puppet. But that’s not covered in this post. I’m mainly focused on how to use Hiera from the CLI here.


Hiera needs a configuration file (/etc/hiera.yaml)

  • in order to know which backend to use,

  • to know which hierarchy to use, and

  • to know where to look for the data.

These are the three elements you basically need to worry about to get Hiera working.


This is a basic YAML file. The elements and syntax is documented at Puppetlabs. The file for the CLI is expected to be at /etc/hiera.yaml.

The file must be a valid YAML file without any data.

My file contains basically only this:

  - yaml

:logger: console

  - '%{environment}/nodes/%{fqdn}'
  - '%{environment}/locations/%{location}'
  - common

  :datadir: /data/hiera

The backend is defined as yaml and logging of errors shall happen to the console.

Now it’s getting special. The hierarchy is setup like this:

  1. Check the yaml files in $environment/nodes/$fqdn.yaml.

  2. Check the yaml files in $environment/locations/$location.yaml.

  3. Check the yaml files in common.

The underlying folder structure is like this:

├── production
│   ├── locations
│   │   ├── datacenter1-prod.yaml
│   │   └── datacenter2-prod.yaml
│   └── nodes
│       └── client01.yaml
└── testing
    ├── locations
    │   ├── datacenter1-testing.yaml
    │   └── datacenter2-testing.yaml
    └── nodes
        └── client01.yaml

The variable %environment is a variable I have to pass manually from the command line to _Hiera_ so that the right hierarchy folder structure can be chosen. The same is required for the variables %fqdn and %location. This is just an example to show how it works.

The last part is the :samp:datadir. We could also put the variable %environment in here. It wouldn’t make a difference, I guess.

The Datadir

The parameter :datadir: specifies where the YAML files will be located. It makes sense to put the into a version controlled directory so that you can verify changes to them and roll back if necessary.

The YAML files follow common YAML structure. Nothing special about it. The example file testing/nodes/client01.yaml contains the following lines:

location: datacenter1-testing

A file like testing/locations/datacenter1-testing.yaml has a similar setup:

street: Hans-Møller Gasmannsvei 9b
city: Oslo

Watch out for that the variables (like city) match exactly the writing as you’ll need to use them in the parameter. If you write something uppercase in the YAML file and the variable is lowercase: you will get any return values (City != city).

The Hierarchy

The hierarchy defined in the Hiera configuration works top to bottom. The first match for a variable counts and will deliver the value back to you.

When you specify the hierarchy folders structure and you include variables, make sure to surround the paths with quotation marks. Otherwise Hiera will return errors and complain about invalid syntax and characters in the configuration file.


$ hiera ntp1 fqdn=client01 environment=testing

This will search the Hiera datadir for a value for the variable ntp1. Two variables are pre-defined:

  1. fqdn is set to client01

  2. environment is set to testing

The first choice will actually being done by the second parameter environment. Defined in /etc/hiera.yaml it will set the hierarchy folder within the datadir to either testing or production. Other parameters are possible, but make only sense if the directories are actually created (and they aren’t in this example).

The parameter fqdn has been specified in /etc/hiera.yaml as well. Hiera will find the YAML files only if they match with one of the provided values for fqdn.

The command above will set the environment to testing and search the file testing/nodes/client01.yaml for a value set to ntp1. And in this example this will return nil.

The file client01.yaml doesn’t contain any value for ntp. We could set a value into common, but that’s boring.

The NTP information is in the locations files. Setting the parameter rights will automatically return the IP addresses of the NTP server (in this example) as an array (as defined in the YAML file.)

$ hiera]$ hiera ntp1 location=datacenter1-testing environment=testing
["", ""]


Beside minor typos and initial configuration problems there was one thing I think is worth mentioning:

My expectation with Hiera was that it is working like a basic database. I thought that by defining a command like

$ hiera ntp1 fqdn=client01

The system would check the YAML file of client01 for e.g. the location and then return the npt1 information from that one. Well, it doesn’t. There are now cross-references within the YAML files to other files. Hiera is a hierarchical database and the important point is: hierarchical. It will follow its hierarchy, nothing more, nothing less.