Glen Hansard / Rhythm and repose¶

From America last week back to Europe this week: Glen Hansard caught my ear this week. This lad from Dublin can easily get in line with many other musicians on this blog.
His album Rhythm and Repose from 2012 is an up and down of songs you like and dislike. But even if you’re tempted to skip one or another song, just don’t do it. At the end of the album you’ll feel that you’ve listened to a good album and you’ll have forgotten about everything you didn’t like.
In fact: This album had two funny characteristics:
First of all the songs you like and the ones you don’t just switch without any warning. One moment you’re happy about a song you hear for the first time and one moment afterwards you’re deeply disappointed.
Second, the songs you like start like the background music in your favorite cafè. You’ll just not be able to pay enough attention until the song come and hugs you.
Links: Official Website