The tiger and me/From a liar to a thief¶

It’s Wednesday again and therefore time for a new music-selection. The last two weeks I skipped this - I had to. It was vacation time and that had a higher priority than searching for new music. Unless you don’t want to me listen to it first, this seems to be a pretty good defence for me.
But today I proudly present a new CD (which has arrived during my vacation): The Tiger And Me and their album “From a liar to a thief”. Tadaaaaaaa!!!
Already the first song I left the wolves behind that night got my attention like a key is opening a door. I basically haven’t heard anything more when I ordered the album. And I haven’t been disappointed.
This Austrian band somehow makes a crossing between Amanda Palmer and Beirut, while not being to close to anyone else I already know. Lovely. If you want it or not - they’ll make you dance. And though you can’t put your finger on what’s driving the music and which turn it will take within the next minutes, you’ll need to follow and sing: lalala..lalal.. lalalala…