Of Monsters and Men/My Head is an Animal¶

Another drug from the Scandinavians: Of Monsters and Men fired out their album My Head is an animal late 2011. I didn’t manage it to write about it earlier, and I sincerely regret that. Why? Because it fits so perfectly to all the other Artists on this Blog and in my CD collection. I was listening to them often enough to put them into my permanent playlist, but forgot somehow to recommend them. The draft of this post was lingering around for a couple of months now.
When listening to them, you’ll put them somewhere close to Loch Lemond, Dan Mangan and The Bear that wasn’t, I think. Somewhere in between. Mixed. Mostly positive and planting happy thoughts in your mind. Nothing to settle down, it’s more like dancing music.
They are currently touring through north America and northern Europe. Not that far north that they would make it up here, unfortunately. But I’m pretty sure they’ll become more popular over time, getting more spread and (hopefully) tour more often as well. Than I’ll have a chance to see them.
Links: Official Site
A small downside: I’m not able to watch the video on their site. As the explanation states, not because they don’t want, but because of “intellectual property”-shit. So, for the record: They cannot show their own video on their own website.
I’d actually like to see these restrictions in general becoming that tight, that no one will be able to publish anything, anywhere. That seems like the only way of getting rid of these this …. isn’t available in your country-stuff. I should sit down and write a rant about it…