Iron Sky¶

For this movie I was waiting a really long time. Last Friday was the preview in Scandinavia, embedded in the Oslo Film Festival 2012. I got a hint about 24 hours before, early enough to buy a couple of tickets and sneak into it.
When the project Iron Sky started a couple of years back, I was in serious doubt that this film would be ever released. Not because of the story - that would be glorious anyway - I was more worried about the financing, especially when they involved crowd-funding to get some money in. Surprisingly especially the crowd supplied a not to small piece of money to keep the project going (not the main part though).
So after the first couple of trailers appeared on the internet it seemed that the project proceeded more and more. During the years every now and then also other stories about the movie and the people involved appeared. I will always remember the story where members of the crew are beaten up by the german police in Germany, ironic, isn’t it?
When I heard a couple of months ago that the movie has been actually finished, I couldn’t believe it. Then it has been shown first in Berlin and now in Oslo.
The film itself is full of political jokes and references, Internet memes and cultural clichés without becoming ridiculous at all (which is quite rare IMHO). I don’t want to go into details and spoiler half of the movie here, therefore you’ll have to go and watch it yourself!
PS: The official start date is April 20th ;)