Idiot Wind/Idiot Wind¶

Idiot Wind, formerly know as Hajen (at least I got to know her by that name) did now finally manage to roll out a CD. The first time in 2009 there were only three songs available on YouTube. I remember already trying to get a hand on more songs of her in those days, but there were simply none available. So the only available songs wandered on my playlist with the through the last months, leaving and unfilled desire for more. Romantic story, isn’t it?
Roughly a month ago I just gave it a shot again (I was still listening to her) when I saw she has changed her name twice. And finally I could figure out what her name was. Beside that _Hajen_ was always very nice to refer to, it left me in the dark and made it quite difficult to get a hand on: Amanda Bergman.
Finally, the smokey, mystic voice had a name. Had a place where she came from: Sweden. When you start diggin’ more and more parts of a complex story shows up. It’s like I completely missed the last years and the person that has been hiding between the initial _Hajen_. Start digging yourself, but beware men: she’s not available anymore - so don’t get too exited…
I was even more pleased to see her having brought out an EP which could be directly ordered. No man-in-the-middle, nobody taking some shares out of the credits. The way I like it. So no long talking: I ordered the disc. That was a safe bet anyway.
And I was right. Delivery was quick and a small personal note attached that made my day.
One last comment before coming to the videos:
Scapegoat is still my favorite. Mainly because I expect Amanda having some hidden talents in arranging several instruments in her songs, though she haven’t really shown that in practice yet. … I was hers when the trumpet started….
Links: Official Homepage

I like måte, Amanda.