Trip to Bremen¶

So, I’m back from the weekend. The last little trip was to Bremen, mainly to join a Feuerzangenbowle event where about 100 people got squeezed into a about 65sqm apartment. It was warm and crowded, but I think everybody had fun.
After that down in the next pub, spending the rest of the night there.
We had actually planed the same kind of entertainment for Saturday night as well, but the lack of sleep (4.5 hours from Friday to Saturday) asked for some payback. I can hardly remember anything of the movie “Scarface” we tried to watch. Sorry for that, bro’s. I’ll watch it another time.
Therefore I slept the last night like a baby; the sleep of the just. Damn, that was good. There were many things good. Actually I know Bremen even less than I know Berlin. But like in Berlin a friend of mine has been so kind of showing me a bit around, so I had a chance to dive a bit into the local scene. Thanks for that.